Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Answer: Slowing Down

Lately I'm asked a lot how am I feeling?  My answer has now become, I'm good just slowing down.  I am officially done with clients until the end of summer, done coaching soccer for a while and my girls are out of school for summer break (although them being home each day may or may not help in the slow down department). And physically I've had to slow down my training and the amount. 

My goal for these long 9 months of pregnancy was to stay active and so far I have. At first my training was still intense, the weights heavy, and the frequency was the same as it always had been. The hardest part for the first 30 weeks was just to show up but once I was at the gym it was on regardless of my expanding body. Here lately I am able to train hard around my belly its the recovery that I'm struggling at. With my daily tasks (work, coaching, kids, house, grocery shopping, karate practice, etc. etc. etc. ) and my training, by days end and the following 24 hours I am hurting (like crouched over in regret I pushed too hard).  

So I knew 3 days a week was my max (for recovery time) which so far I've maintained and my idea of active needed to shift. My goal is to be moving at each workout, sometimes that includes weights, sometimes it's just cardio and sometimes just body weight (I'm so hooked on the MostFit suspension straps those have made a weekly appearance). The extra 30 pounds I've gained (yes already at 30LBS) makes each workout a challenge regardless of what type. I still have 7 weeks to go and I certainly don't want my inability to slow down to permanently stop me or bring a baby too soon. 

I started this page shortly after I knew I was pregnant. I knew it would be a challenge to stay relevant and in touch with the fitness community as I felt I was going backwards while everyone was moving forward. I had to laugh because in my Facebook feed the poster that says "Sore the most satisfying feeling" came up and I thought maybe not for this phase of life.  This baby isn't going anywhere anytime soon and I've got to be able to keep moving much less worry about being sore. But throughout this I have been able to remember why I love training hard, often, and for a reason, excited to get back to that. 

For these last 7 weeks (less would be fine too) I'm happy to keep at my new stay active plan and really get ready for baby boy. I have fallen in love with feeling his frequent, now strong movements and starting to get his nursery ready. Excited about a baby shower this holiday weekend and to make all the final touches to our preparation. 

I know my dedication to an active lifestyle will make recovery much easier and my muscles much less shocked as I get back to the go hard or go home mentality. I'm pleased my body has let me stay active (I've had many write with bed rest frustrations or workout restrictions during pregnancy) and somewhat strong. Even if I start from scratch it will have all been worth it. My muscles may need rebuilding but my knowledge and commitment to routine is still there, it can't be a fad it has to be a lifestyle. 

Love, Sweat, Grit,
Christie FitNix

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