Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What Can 12 Weeks Do For You?

12 weeks ago I started the Busy Mom Gets Fit Strength Training Program (5 day) and encouraged anyone wanting to see change to start with me.

When I started the program I was 3.5 months postpartum, had already lost a significant amount of weight training in my garage or running at the park with baby in stroller.  I started back at the gym around 3 months postpartum (once baby boy could enter the gym childcare) and shortly after that felt ready to start the 12 week program.

I knew the commitment alone would be a challenge as a busy mom of 3 and the training difficult compared to what I had been doing before in my garage.

But I also knew that if I just started….regardless of how weak I was, how uncomfortable I felt, disappointed and reminded of how far away I was from the figure athlete I worked so hard to become, that in 12 weeks I would be in a different place.

At the start the training was hard, I showed up slightly uncomfortable with myself, and felt almost unworthy of the weights.

Even after a fit pregnancy my core, lower back and grip strength were my weak links. Back squat, plank and dead lifts were harder than I remembered.

I felt very uncomfortable at the gym, sporting my baggy t-shirts and feeling like I needed my baby with me at all times to have an explanation for my appearance. As I trained and saw my reflection there were moments of doubt that I would ever see muscle definition again.

There were times the training hurt, my appearance hurt, my pride was hurt because something that was easy before now was so hard…….but I did it anyway!!!!

I went to the gym 5 days a week for 12 weeks!! I did the modified version of certain movements until I could do the actual movement (push ups for instance). I planked for 30 seconds before I could plank for 45 working my way to 1 minute. I squatted the bar until I felt strong enough to add weight, and I accepted the reflection I saw feeling hopeful of what I would one day see!

It didn't take long at all before CHANGE began to take place, I like to call it PROGRESS!!!

My appearance, confidence and strength started to change.
Finally able to put on and button
 a pair of old jeans. 

Strength training does amazing things for the way we look even if the scale seems to stay the same. My confidence began to build because the weights told me to be proud. I began to lift more, I began to feel the athlete inside me return, I was being proactive in doing what was necessary to conquer my goals!!

My time in the gym has such an impact on 
my life outside the gym. That time for myself is so therapeutic as a new mom. A chance to take a break from the kids (yes even the baby), the chores at home, or my to do list waiting for me to finish.  After that hour to work on me I can freely give my all to everything else!

Now 12 weeks later I am back squatting 100 pounds for a few reps, dead lifting the 45's again for working sets, already at my heaviest weights on incline bench and shoulder press that I was lifting before the pregnancy. My grip has improved and I don't feel like my lower back is going to break during my planks. I am making PROGRESS and I am HOPEFUL for what the next few months will bring.

I am pleased with the changes I can see in the comparison photos.  The before pictures were taken 10 weeks ago because I didn't have the courage to take them at the start of the 12 weeks. My husband is taking them for me and he's a busy man so asking for retakes seems selfish.  I didn't quite stand the same each time but hopefully you can see the visible changes I can. The scale has hardly changed at all….maybe 4 pounds worth (when I stopped nursing my girls the last few pounds came off…..still nursing and hope to for several more months).


I will admit this was hard for me!!!  For many reasons as I'm sure you could imagine. But when I get where I want to go these pieces of my journey will be worth all the sweat and humbling that came with it!

Now that the 12 weeks of the Busy Mom Gets Fit strength training plan is complete I am aware that I am ready to keep going, step it up a notch and make some decisions about competing again.
Well its a start at least…….

My family is making yet another move (Army family remember) after the New Year and once that is complete I hope to set some real goals with real deadlines.

One thing I do know is that I have come to the point that I need to let go of what I was in order to become what I want to be! As a figure athlete yes but mostly as a woman who wants to look, feel and be STRONG!!

SOOOOOOO Now that you CAN SEE and have READ what 12 weeks did for me……..what can 12 weeks do for you????????

* The 12 Week Busy Mom Gets Fit Plan made it so easy to show up at the gym and not have to worry about what to do! The workouts are set up to take 30-45 minutes and encourage cardio on your own. I almost exclusively did this program with very limited cardio. There are 5 day and 3 day gym splits, home versions and pregnancy plans! The program pushed me past what I would have pushed myself to do at the start and improved my strength leaving me ready for more.  Use the FitNix code READYTOWORKIT to save 20% off of the plan thats right for you!!

As Always,
Love, Sweat, Grit,
Christie FitNix