Monday, February 4, 2013


I get a lot of questions on how to get started, here are some guidelines and suggestions to help you tackle the beginning of a fit life!

Set three small goals for the week, for example 3 workouts, track my food, and more water.

1. Workouts: look at your life (calendar), commitments, kids commitments, appointments, work, etc. and see where you are going to fit those workouts in. Get up earlier twice and go to bed later, squeeze two over the weekend and one early morning, while the kids are at school, etc. schedule those 3 workouts into your calendar and don't cancel!

Kids are a problem you say? Work with/around that. When my girls were small strapping them into a double jogger was a go to workout, find a gym with a day care, do a playground workout while your kids play, or some tabatas while you wait at soccer practice, (I will post those at the end). Excuses are just that, excuses. If you can make the time for coffee, shopping, nails, play dates, you can squeeze an hour toward a healthier you a few times a week. AND DON'T FALL INTO THE I FEEL BAD FOR MY KIDS TRAP! Your kids can sacrifice a play date for a fit mom!

2. Track your food: I can't stress enough how monumental a food diary is. I use myfitnesspal and even have friends I follow and that follow me as accountability. You will get a grasp on how little or how much you are eating. Going out for dinner, you can search a healthy (or the less of two evils) option while you are deciding what to eat. I will post about calories and macros in a future blog but the biggest advice I could give is get your protein, veggies, and watch your SUGAR! Milk has lots of sugar,fruit has lots of sugar (fruit isn't bad but eating fruit all day and saying your on a diet is not the way to change your body), and drinks out with the girls has lots of sugar. With a food diary you can learn what you are doing well and what needs to change that maybe you didn't notice before.

3. Drink More Water- this is an easy one, for so many reasons! Find a water bottle that is at least a 1/4 of a gallon and set your sights to work toward 4 of those a day. I have a 1/2 gallon jug (that everyone has seen me carry) and I try to have two of those a day. I stick to just water or water with lemon or grapefruit slices, no more artificial flavoring for me, and the water you drink during your workout counts!

Start there and have a successful healthy week! These small changes will become habits and then you can build upon those! Like 5 workouts a week!

PLAYGROUND WORKOUT- repeat 3 times or for a duration of 30 minutes
Bench step ups x 12 each leg
Bench dips x 15
Bench incline push ups x 12
Plank for one minute (in the grass or hands on a bench)
Jumping pull ups on the monkey bars x 12
Walking lunges hands overhead x 20 each leg
Step taps (at bottom step tap w foot and switch to other foot as fast as possible, repeat) 45 seconds
Bear crawl around playground
Jog around playground

Download a tabatas timer on your phone. It should be set for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes. That will be one tabatas round. Perform at least 5 rounds of tabatas. That will be 20 minutes of intense movement. For each round pick four different exercises (usually body weight).

For example:
Round 1
Push ups, star jumps, bicycle crunches, jumping switch lunge.
Round 2
Burpees, plank get ups, mountain climbers, jump squats
Round 3
Long jumps, decline push ups (feet on a chair or bench), knee tuck jumps, jump rope
Round 4
Mountain climbers, speed skaters, Russian twists, air squats.

Repeat those movements for each round until the four minutes is up. So round 1 would be push ups for 20 seconds, 10 of rest, star jumps for 20 seconds, 10 of rest, bicycle crunches for 20 seconds, 10 of rest, jumping switch lunge for 20 seconds, 10 of rest, push ups for 20 seconds, 10 of rest, star jumps for 20 seconds, 10 rest, and so on until its been four minutes.

Rest for one full minute between each round then repeat the same pattern for round 2, then round 3, then round 4 and back to round 1 for a 20 minute workout.

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