Thursday, December 27, 2012



To help you understand some of my thoughts throughout this pregnancy I need to fill you in on the first two.  For both girls I was mostly a runner and would lift weights here and there.  I ran out of guilt for the poor food choices and mostly to lose weight and stay thin.  When I got pregnant with Gracie (my first) once I had gained the initial 10 pounds which happened pretty fast I felt bad about myself and the thought of running seemed useless.  I gained a solid 55 pounds and lost it in about 8 months and actually got pretty thin, again mostly through running.  Second baby I now had a toddler to consider and pushing her in a jogger was difficult.  At about 5.5 months we moved to Colorado Springs, CO and the altitude made breathing among other things difficult.  Again no more exercise after that, felt pretty discouraged and food was a comfort and a why not I’m going to gain weight anyways.  Even though I swore I would do better another 55 pounds up after baby #2.  Took me a little longer to lose the baby weight but I did and with the help of another deployment I lost the weight and was thinner than pre-pregnancy, skinny fat for sure though.  Once Mary Ashlynn was two and Tim was home I was ready for our third, well not everyone was so expanding our family if ever was on the back burner.  Insert Figure Athlete here.  Not worried about having another baby I finally wanted more than just being thin.  I learned to eat better than counting crappy calories (ya know 100 calorie packs and special K cereal), and picked up the weights.  Finally attaining the “Figure” I always wanted.  And through all of that a healthy lifestyle of training and nutrition became part of me, not a preventive measure.  It truly made me happy and was something I could take pride in. 

So………here I am 3 months into my third and possibly final pregnancy.  My approach to this one is much different than the first two.  Even though I may not look in the mirror how I feel on the inside I will continue to train, hard even.  I have talked with my doctor and being in such good shape prior, to keep at it the way I was is fine.  Not looking to hit any personal records here, just want to keep the intensity as much as possible.  Also not worried about being a cardio queen, I believe that maintaining my lean muscle will help get my body back when all is said and done.  The past two years have been dedicated to gaining muscle mass while maintaining a lean physic, and that was mostly diet.  While pregnant I want to focus on eating healthy, eating enough, and keeping it clean.  Not too worried about my macros for now, and getting most of my protein naturally through meat, nuts, etc.  I know that I will indulge more than I normally would, hormones are not stable when you’re pregnant, but I will not use this pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever, whenever.  So to sum it all up I will remain dedicated to my training, I will eat right (often, small meals, clean foods, adequate protein), and I will not let feeling unhappy about myself keep me from knowing that what I do now will pay off later.  So far I have done better than the first two times around.  After first trimester I was always up 13 pounds which set the stage for more than the 25-30 pounds you are suggested to gain.  Hoping this time around is different but I sure as heck am going to bust my butt trying. 


  1. Nice Christie..thanks for sharing! Looking forward to hearing about your wonderful journey! Congrats again!

  2. This is great! I look forward to following you as you go on this journey!
    (Noell Sole - Radiant Living on Facebook)

  3. Keep up the great work Christie! You and Tim have inspired us in so many ways and because of you two we have looked at life differently in so many ways. Your a woman of strength and he's a man of his word. Strength, family, health and prayer have never meant so much. True blessings....there's a reason god crossed our paths. Thanks for all your encouraging words. ;-)

  4. Thanks for sharing! I am skinny fat right now with baby #2 on the way. I run/speed walk, pushups, and deadlifts but haven't in over 2 months ugg! I also gained 50lb at 5'0 with 1st pregnancy and 8 months to lose it. I am so scared to gain weight with this one cause I know it will be hard to lose. My husband is a dedicated weight lifter and encourages me to lift. I look forward to your blog and inspiration to keep me in check! Although I don't cook (hubby too picky), any recipes would be greatly appreciated!

    1. @Sambo, I have posted a few recipes and dinner pictures on my page. Also if you check out Peace, Love and Low Carb and Southern Fried Fitness they are full of recipes that are much more appetizing than my basic protein, veggie and complex carb plate. Here is the link for the Mom Power Team breakfest ideas, there is also one for lunch.

    2. Thanks a bunch! Happy New Year!

  5. @Sambo, I have posted a few recipes and dinner pictures on my page. Also if you check out Peace, Love and Low Carb and Southern Fried Fitness they are full of recipes that are much more appetizing than my basic protein, veggie and complex carb plate. Here is the link for the Mom Power Team breakfest ideas, there is also one for lunch.

  6. Thanks for sharing:-) Do you not have any morning sickness? Mine was so bad and it lasted 4 months with my daughter and 5 months with my son. I also gained around 50 pounds with both my pregnancies. After my son it was the hardest to get motivsted and back into shape,I was 25lbs over weight,but I had enough and got busy. I worked out in my pregnancies,but not alot cause I was so sick. I just did alot of yoga and walking. I look forward to your journey:-) I'd ef have a 3rd baby but my hubby is done. So I'm taking my fitness to the next level. I have not competed since I had kids,so I'm excited to see what my body does,I'm leaner now than when i was in my 20s haha.

    1. I had morning sickness with my girls, really bad I felt like I would eat anything in sight to not throw up, and that of course led to more than 10 pounds in first trimester, ugh. This time I didnt have that but I got sick with strep throat twice and the flu in between so from Thanksgiving to almost Christmas I was very ill. Didnt eat bad or good but missed a lot of training so much so I felt I was starting over. That was frustrating but I am better now and determined to stay strong. I am excited for you and your show, please keep me posted on your progress and let me know how I can help? And my hubby said we were done also after the first two so you never know :-)

  7. Great Blog! Too funny, so we are probably due around the same time or close. I'm June 17th. I'm nowhere near my goal (this baby wasn't supposed to happen until a year down the road when I would have been close...). Hopefully living healthier this pregnancy will set me up for success afterwards! :)

    1. I am right at a month behind you!!! I know your healtheir lifestlye is setting this pregnancy way apart from the rest!! So excited to journey through this together!!!
