Friday, February 15, 2013

HALF-WAY- My Fit Pregnancy Journey

20 weeks in, this is where I'm at!

The biggest update is I've CHANGED. Now obviously I've changed in my appearance, belly is there, starting to get the aww your pregnant and it's cute comments, boobs are in full effect and hips are preparing.

But here are the 4 biggest changes:

1. For the first time ever I'm training STRICTLY for my health. I can't see my muscles, or the benefits of the effort, I'm not training to lean down or lose weight and I'm not working toward a goal, competition, or personal record. I'm training because I want to be strong even if I don't look it, I'm training to take care of my body even if it won't show, and I'm training (hard) because I feel so much better afterward. Yes, there have been days I don't want to go and the thought of a nap sounds great, but I still do, and always so glad I did!

2. I never thought about muscle gain while expecting, just weight gain. The more I thought about it (and after a wise friend confirmed), it's actually pretty likely. I'm eating plenty, I'm still lifting heavy and my body is working even harder with a baby on board. I may not see it now but it's possible to add some good muscle mass, and how pleasing it would be to see once the layer of body fat comes off.

3. I've changed my rep range, I've always been a super set higher rep kinda gal (still heavy of course but per my body type kept the intensity high). My strength is still there, the weights are still heavy, but my endurance is low. So what once was 12-15 reps is now about 8, and I'm okay with that.

4. I will admit I'm not logging my food. I actually picked it back up a few weeks ago and found that I actually wasn't eating ENOUGH to support a growing baby all while working out still. So I got a handle on that and found a good place with getting enough food but working hard to pick the right ones.

So I've embraced the change, physical and mental, and still going strong on my journey. Still training hard, squatting low and dead lifting heavy. The only thing I've stayed away from is the leg press (something about my feet up, spread, and pushing just doesn't seem right). I still catch myself and make sure I'm not eating using the pregnancy as an excuse but because I'm hungry. I'm up 14 pounds since October which is about half what I've gained at this point the first two times around. Still wearing a few pair of my jeans (the stretch ones of course and can button them but I just use the belly band instead). Again not something I could say about the first two pregnancies. I feel great, really I forget I'm pregnant until I look in the mirror, or down here lately. The training has kept me as mobile, energetic, and capable as I was prior to the belly. Pull ups are almost a no go with the extra lbs but the assist bands keep me at it. Not sure what the next 20 weeks will bring but I must admit I am over the moon excited about a new baby, which I'm thinking will come out swinging kettelbells!

Signed with Love, Sweat and Grit
2 Timothy 1:7
Christie FitNix