Boobs, that's right I'm talking about boobs. If your a woman it's something we deal with. Big, small, just right, too much of them or somewhere in the middle we all have to deal with them while we workout. Don't even get me started on the evolution of them while nursing, post baby and as we age, lol.
I was recently asked why I didn't work out with my first two pregnancies. That was the first time someone asked me and I thought about it. My answer? Because it was the first time in my life I didn't look or feel like an athlete. I was gaining weight and my BOOBS were HUGE! That alone discouraged me enough to feel defeated and just be a sedentary pregnant woman who was bound to gain weight and feel huge.
So third time around and guess what, my BOOBS ARE HUGE AGAIN. When I'm not pregnant I am a moderate size. With my first pregnancy before I was out of my 1st trimester I was already too big to shop at Victoria Secret for regular bras, not to mention something that would support me running or jumping. I remember after Gracie (my oldest), once I was active again I resorted to an ACE bandage and a sports bra to support my chest and a nursing one at that. Second pregnancy, same story.
Where am I going with all this. For me personally it sucks. Of course I know I'm pregnant and this isn't a permanent situation for me. But it's my situation right now. Maybe it's because I'm not used to it but big boobs and athletic don't mix well. Everything bounces, you instantly feel bigger than you are because your chest is huge (especially when your short). Sports bras take on quite a load and a whole new meaning, not to mention your back hurts all the time from the extra load and the demand you put on said sports bra.
And then I often wonder why some women gain weight when pregnant, even a lot, but not in their boobs. And I have heard so many women say, oh your lucky I wish I could have gained there, well that's easy to say when you haven't had to deal with it, boobs after all are just fat. And what's with some of us ladies being so well endowed and others not? Thin, curvy, overweight, having ginormous boobs (especially while training) just isn't ideal. And what about men, whether they gain weight or lose it they don't have to deal with big boobs, no boobs, bouncing boobs, etc. they just crank out a bunch of bench presses to tighten up there chest muscle and suck in their guts.
So yeah it sucks. And for me it sucks right now, but for some of you it may always be that way. Guess what, oh well. I'm much happier walking my big ole boobies into the gym and getting my workout on then just using it as an excuse to quit and give up. It may sound trivial, or even vain that I care when others look at me and say, OMG your boobs are huge. I do care and I am constantly aware of them when I work out but I am how I am and I know that defeat feels worse.
Being fit and strong comes in all shapes and sizes! If you happen to be one with big boobies know that I feel ya! We all have body parts we wish we could change and we all gain and lose differently. The best thing that any of us can do is train hard, eat right, and learn to love our bodies as they are and where they are. Maybe we need to start a secret big bobbies head nod, you know how runners wave at other runners. Us chicks with knockers can give head nods to each other, like yeah girl I see you getting after those box jumps! What bra did you wear today?
And yes, right now I plan my bra per my training for that day! Moving Comfort you have saved me a lot of movement.
Now of course I realize there may be some with big boobs who are happy with that, great for you! That's not me, this isn't your blog, thanks for reading.
As always, Love, Sweat and Grit,
Christie FitNix