Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What Can 12 Weeks Do For You?

12 weeks ago I started the Busy Mom Gets Fit Strength Training Program (5 day) and encouraged anyone wanting to see change to start with me.

When I started the program I was 3.5 months postpartum, had already lost a significant amount of weight training in my garage or running at the park with baby in stroller.  I started back at the gym around 3 months postpartum (once baby boy could enter the gym childcare) and shortly after that felt ready to start the 12 week program.

I knew the commitment alone would be a challenge as a busy mom of 3 and the training difficult compared to what I had been doing before in my garage.

But I also knew that if I just started….regardless of how weak I was, how uncomfortable I felt, disappointed and reminded of how far away I was from the figure athlete I worked so hard to become, that in 12 weeks I would be in a different place.

At the start the training was hard, I showed up slightly uncomfortable with myself, and felt almost unworthy of the weights.

Even after a fit pregnancy my core, lower back and grip strength were my weak links. Back squat, plank and dead lifts were harder than I remembered.

I felt very uncomfortable at the gym, sporting my baggy t-shirts and feeling like I needed my baby with me at all times to have an explanation for my appearance. As I trained and saw my reflection there were moments of doubt that I would ever see muscle definition again.

There were times the training hurt, my appearance hurt, my pride was hurt because something that was easy before now was so hard…….but I did it anyway!!!!

I went to the gym 5 days a week for 12 weeks!! I did the modified version of certain movements until I could do the actual movement (push ups for instance). I planked for 30 seconds before I could plank for 45 working my way to 1 minute. I squatted the bar until I felt strong enough to add weight, and I accepted the reflection I saw feeling hopeful of what I would one day see!

It didn't take long at all before CHANGE began to take place, I like to call it PROGRESS!!!

My appearance, confidence and strength started to change.
Finally able to put on and button
 a pair of old jeans. 

Strength training does amazing things for the way we look even if the scale seems to stay the same. My confidence began to build because the weights told me to be proud. I began to lift more, I began to feel the athlete inside me return, I was being proactive in doing what was necessary to conquer my goals!!

My time in the gym has such an impact on 
my life outside the gym. That time for myself is so therapeutic as a new mom. A chance to take a break from the kids (yes even the baby), the chores at home, or my to do list waiting for me to finish.  After that hour to work on me I can freely give my all to everything else!

Now 12 weeks later I am back squatting 100 pounds for a few reps, dead lifting the 45's again for working sets, already at my heaviest weights on incline bench and shoulder press that I was lifting before the pregnancy. My grip has improved and I don't feel like my lower back is going to break during my planks. I am making PROGRESS and I am HOPEFUL for what the next few months will bring.

I am pleased with the changes I can see in the comparison photos.  The before pictures were taken 10 weeks ago because I didn't have the courage to take them at the start of the 12 weeks. My husband is taking them for me and he's a busy man so asking for retakes seems selfish.  I didn't quite stand the same each time but hopefully you can see the visible changes I can. The scale has hardly changed at all….maybe 4 pounds worth (when I stopped nursing my girls the last few pounds came off…..still nursing and hope to for several more months).


I will admit this was hard for me!!!  For many reasons as I'm sure you could imagine. But when I get where I want to go these pieces of my journey will be worth all the sweat and humbling that came with it!

Now that the 12 weeks of the Busy Mom Gets Fit strength training plan is complete I am aware that I am ready to keep going, step it up a notch and make some decisions about competing again.
Well its a start at least…….

My family is making yet another move (Army family remember) after the New Year and once that is complete I hope to set some real goals with real deadlines.

One thing I do know is that I have come to the point that I need to let go of what I was in order to become what I want to be! As a figure athlete yes but mostly as a woman who wants to look, feel and be STRONG!!

SOOOOOOO Now that you CAN SEE and have READ what 12 weeks did for me……..what can 12 weeks do for you????????

* The 12 Week Busy Mom Gets Fit Plan made it so easy to show up at the gym and not have to worry about what to do! The workouts are set up to take 30-45 minutes and encourage cardio on your own. I almost exclusively did this program with very limited cardio. There are 5 day and 3 day gym splits, home versions and pregnancy plans! The program pushed me past what I would have pushed myself to do at the start and improved my strength leaving me ready for more.  Use the FitNix code READYTOWORKIT to save 20% off of the plan thats right for you!!

As Always,
Love, Sweat, Grit,
Christie FitNix

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Postpartum Progress Continued!!

It has been a little less than 6 weeks since my last update!

Baby boy is 4 months old this week (17 weeks I think) and getting so big. 
At his 4 month check up
with my 5 year old. 

I just finished week 8 of the 12 week Busy Mom Gets Fit strength training program I am following.  Loving that still!!  Still nursing and just started TJ on some oat cereal because he was wanting to nurse almost every hour. 

I think the best way to sum up the past 5 weeks is with three categories, MENTAL, PHYSICAL and VISUAL.

I think I need to start with mental!! Knowing I had a photo shoot coming up for GORGO Women's Fitness Magazine has taken my thought process all over the place.  

As I did my last update I was feeling good about my progress and thought to myself "lets see what I can do with another 6 weeks…….I can REALLY ……..REALLY be all over my training and diet and hopefully look somewhat decent to have my picture taken".  My plan was to add an extra day or two of cardio and be a bit more restrictive with my diet. 

Did I mention I had a birthday, my husband had a birthday and there was that crazy night everyone gets dressed up and shoves candy in your face (an exaggeration of course).

The first few weeks went by and I made it to the gym and ate my balanced diet  keeping an 80/20 approach. 

But no extra cardio……you want to know why?  I don’t have the time…..that’s not an excuse, its real.  I train for an hour a day and at the most an hour and a half (I am rather social also….that takes some of my time).  Anything more than that is just too much. When I am at the gym other things are waiting for me…..not to mention baby boy in childcare. If two hours became my new normal…what after that? Slippery slope and I don't want to get on it!! 

Want to know what else…..I had cake at my birthday, my husband’s birthday and on Halloween.  I’m not training for a competition (yet) and I’m not racing anyone to see who can lose the most baby weight the fastest. 

So as I’m going through all these “ I said I was going to do this and I’m not" thoughts and emotions,  it hit me that……..this magazine is all about REAL WOMEN!!!  Showing where they are on their fitness journey, bikini body or not. 

Well I am a real woman….a real mom……and a really strong one at that.  If I don’t have the time…..let me say extra time…..most other women don’t either. 

I realized that I want the results as much as I want to attain such in a healthy and balanced approach.  Knowing that when I say if I can do it you can too, you really can. 

My approach to any weight loss goal is moderation……EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.  Too much exercise is not a good thing……a diet too restrictive is not a good thing……..too many sweets is not a good thing…..etc.etc. etc. 

I hit the gym 5 days every week since my last update and slayed my workouts. I stayed committed to eating enough to support weight loss but not so drastically I’m losing all my muscle or jeopardizing my breastfeeding.  Right now that is my plan….which leaves room for cake on birthdays, candy with my kids from time to time, and a reasonable amount of time at the gym for a busy mom. 

After I blogged this I was able to
add another 5 on each side!!!
Hammer Shoulder Press 50#'s
on each side. 
The biggest changes are in this category for sure!! I am feeling strong again…..doing so many of the things that I missed so much as my pregnancy progressed.  I am already back to some of my max weights on some of my lifts that I was at before I was pregnant. I hit the 45lb plates on the hammer shoulder press again (loading that up just makes you feel bad ass), un-assisted dips for several reps, my planks are less painful, I can do hanging leg raises with my legs extended, and my dead lifts are coming around (still working on my squats). 

While all of this is great and pleasing to me it came with consistent effort.  Showing up each workout to make changes.  With that being said there is still so much more to be done, always, always progress to be made!! Lifting weights makes that easy to measure……how much weight did I lift this time…. how many reps? You get my drift.

Now…...when I CAN say I did 4 un-assisted pull ups again I may come un-glued! Boy will that be exciting!!


I see changes, obviously not nearly as drastic as the first few weeks. At this point it’s in the little things that will help me measure progress.  I have had a lot of comments about the visual changes and that does a lot for my patience.  My pre-pregnancy clothing options are expanding and I’m enjoying that for sure…..nothing better than liking your outfit. 

Starting to see definition in my arms and abs…..obviously lower body fat helps with that.  Just excited about
seeing muscles…..period!!!!!
Still have some loose skin and belly fat to work on
but feeling strong……...and happy about that!!
So the scale…..I may have lost one more pound since my last update.  Id be lying if I didn’t say I would like to see more than that. At this point I know slow and steady……and I know I hold onto some body fat until I am done with nursing, at least I did with my last two.
This is 10 weeks difference, still plenty of progress to be
made but progress takes time!

So……...PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION………..RIGHT!!!  Glad I am able to remind myself of that also!!

Keep up with my Facebook page over the weekend….I travel Friday for the photo shoot.  Excited to see how the pictures turn out…meet some of the most amazing people for the first time, and see old friends that I miss so much!!  I will keep repeating to myself "I will get there" as I stand next to the likes of Bikini Pros, Figure champs, and long time fitness mamas!!  I will try to post some behind the scenes pictures for y'all as well….some sneaky peaky :-)

YAY for wearing clothes I like again!! And the picture on the right is my
5 year old building forts with all the blankets, pillows, and towels
she could find while I am trying to do these pictures. 

*I have had great feedback from sharing my postpartum reality, I know its encouraged a few new moms to hold their heads high and just make a start at losing that weight!! Sweat pants and all!!  So If you have a pregnancy journey you would like to share please message it to me and I can post on the page! I would love to flood the news feed with new…..sorta new….or even still pregnant mamas getting after their goals.  Message me your progress pictures and page if you have one! I know we are all recovering differently after children so more stories other than mine need to be shared.  

As Awlays,
Christie FitNix

Thursday, November 7, 2013

FeelFitWear Review


I love my new red hot pants form FeelFitWear, a women's active wear clothing line!  Totally needed some new workout bottoms after baby boy was born.  The pants had to do a lot of work to make me look good having just had a baby, and they succeeded. I felt trendy and comfortable going back into the gym and surprisingly thought I looked good, and trust me it was all in the pants. 

If you follow my Instagram or Facebook you saw my post about the sweat stains.....I didn't have any. Usually I would wear black to hide such a thing. So during my first wear I felt so sweaty and thought I bet I have butt crack sweat showing. Went to the bathroom to inspect and to my surprise there were no sweat marks showing, although I was a sweaty mess.   

Around 10 weeks postpartum I started a five day gym training plan, so I was in the gym 5 days a week. Most women postpartum have about 5 articles of clothing they feel comfortable wearing and these pants were one!  So lots of wearing and washing and they still look new, feel new, and feel great! 
The color hasn't faded and the fabric still soft!

I've lost a few pounds and the pants still fit, stretchy pants are cool like that. If I get smaller (meaning firmer) I will most definitely buy another pair!  Wonder if I can talk them into more colors? 

Some cool things about FeelFitWear
Everyday free shipping within U.S 
FeelFitWear sells wholesale 
We offer 15% OFF to all fitness instructors: To apply send an email to fitnessexperts@feelfitwear.com with a proof of a fitness certificate. 

You can also check them out here
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Feelfitwear 
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/feelfitwear/ 
Instagram - http://instagram.com/FeelFitWear#

If you need some new pants for your Mom Uniform make sure to check FeelFitWear out!!!
Love, Sweat, Grit,
Christie FitNix

Monday, November 4, 2013

FitNix Favorite Things 1 Year Celebration

FitNix is 1 year!!  How cool is that!!

Its hard to believe that a year ago there was no FitNix Facebook page, no Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest either.  Last year a special friend of mine pushed me to finally get started and FitNix was created.  At the very same time I was several weeks into my pregnancy with TJ, still keeping it quiet.  Starting a fitness page during pregnancy offered challenges but gave special insight as well.  

Now a year later my baby boy is here and there are almost 4,000 FitNix friends and I love you all!! Through the year you have helped motivate and encourage me, given me insight and inspiration! All the things I was creating this page to do for you! 

 So this month we are going to celebrate and I have lots of giveaways planned through out the month.  What better things to give to you than my FAVORITE THINGS that I wouldn't want to live without.   If its a favorite of mine perhaps it could be a favorite of yours so make sure to enter!

My newest obsession is my lifting gloves from G-Loves.  So feminine, pretty, and functional! They are giving away one of their newest pair called Kokomo, the neon's are all the rage!! Check out their website G-Loves to find your perfect match!

I love my motivational workout tanks from my favorite Air Force business woman at Nutrition Snob Clothing. She is giving away the FitNix inspired tank Iron Princess. Check out her store for so many more slogans and styles, she really has them all! Her off the shoulder sweat shirts are a fav of mine also!

My all time favorite protein bar for the past three years is easily the Quest Protein Bars. Great taste without the junk and so many flavors.  My new favorite flavor is the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and the White Chocolate Raspberry! Quest is giving away a variety box from the naturals line, peanut butter cup cravings, and their latest edition the Quest Pastabilities!
Quest is being super awesome and there will be two winners for this giveaway!

FASHION!!  The trends are so fun to keep up with but I seriously don't have the time to shop for all my favorites.  The online clothing boutique Under The Eiffel Boutique  makes it so easy for me.  I liked their Facebook page last summer and I could hardly stand being pregnant and seeing all their fabulous outfits I couldn't wear just yet.  They post all the fabulousness and if you like what you see just comment with your email and they will invoice you.  My first order came two days later.  So easy, so trendy, and so fun!! They are giving away a $25 store credit to use toward your first purchase.

Another favorite, my fitness jewelry charms from Fashletics jewelry, so many motivational charms to choose from. My first charms were the 45lb plate, LIFT, and I Choose Strength Charms.  Recently I have my eye on the I know what I will become charm. Fashletics is giving away the dumbbell charm and I CHOOSE STRENGTH charm for one lucky winner.

Next up is some of my favorite people, Busy Mom Gets FitSisters in ShapeCave Princess, and Dani Get Ur Gunz are each giving away a tank.  I love wearing the tanks of some of my favorite people and pages to the gym and now you can to!!!

And last but certainly not least is my most favorite online nutrition supplement provider Foundation Nutrition. They have all your favorite brands and products paired with extreme amounts of knowledge to help you supplement your training to the max! Not to mention it is so much easier to restock my protein shopping online than dragging the kiddos to the store.  Visit their website for free workout programs, meal planner and the latest and greatest in supplements.  Make sure to enter FITNIX to save %10 off your first order!  Foundation Nutrition is giving away BSN Syntha 6 chocolate protein powder to one lucky winner!

Thank you for being here! I look forward to the year to come! Make sure to enter below
here  using the Rafflecopter giveaway

As Always,
Love, Sweat, Grit,
Christie FitNIx

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Fit Girl’s Top Fashion Tips

A Fit Girl’s Top Fashion Tips

Two things that I love so much are Fitness & Fashion.  So why not marry the two?  There are so many ways to be fit AND fabulous and ANYONE can do it.  I was never a sporty girl growing up.  I was always playing with barbies, painting my nails, doing something new to my hair, shopping for the latest trends, etc.  So when I discovered my love for fitness, I realized that it was OK for me to sweat (and still look fabulous).  Now, don't get me wrong, there are days when I literally roll out of bed and head straight to the gym with just barely brushing my teeth.  Ha!  But for the most part, I try to look somewhat presentable when going to the gym.  Why?  Because, as a trainer, I am in gym clothes %90 of the time and as a mom, I'm constantly running around and don't have time to put on my favorite outfit when heading to the grocery store.  So, I've found ways to still look fierce while wearing stretchy pants. 
Here are a few of my all time favorite tips and tricks for a fit girl:

1. Add a few accessories to your every day gym wear to make it look like a legit outfit.  So, for those busy mommas on the move all the time, I just added a black blazer and some tall boots with a statement necklace to my regular every day gray Nike yoga pants and black tank.  Wala!  Ready to hit the streets without sacrificing style or comfort.  (and without lugging around a huge gym bag)

2. Find a great pair of leggings that make you feel fabulous!  And don't be afraid of color!  The brighter, the better :)

3.  I love this beauty trick!!  Line the inside of your bottom lids with WHITE eyeliner.  It will make your eyes POP!  If you have squinty eyes like me, this trick will come in handy.

4.  Find a pair of great shoes!!  Fabulous shoes always make me work harder.  Haha!  I'm such a girl :)  I know shoes can be costly, so when picking out the right pair, make sure you are going to love them a few weeks/months from purchasing them.  I love bright colored shoes, but they will only go with so many outfits.  If you can't afford a new pair of shoes every month, try buying a shoe that is more neutral, and then change out the shoe strings for added color. 

5.  Find a pair of fabulous gloves!  I got these from Femme Fitale and not only are they fashionable and make me feel feminine when I'm lifting, but they protect your hand from calluses.
6.  Write down your workouts.  Plan them.  I have all of my workouts written down on this ring of note cards.  That way I walk into the gym having a plan of attack.  I know exactly what I am supposed to be doing.  Also, if there is ever a day when I don't feel creative enough to come up with a different workout, it's great to whip these bad boys out and pick from my stack of note cards. 

7.  When the cold weather hits, it's important to bundle up.  So choose a bright colored vest like this one or jacket and scarf to throw on as you head out the door to the gym.  Vest is from Old Navy, scarf is from Nutrition Snob Clothing.
8.  Find a store that has great quality clothes that will last for a long time.  Gym clothes can be expensive.  But, it's better to find great pieces that will last than constantly replacing your yoga pants.  Athleta is one of my favorite stores (and most dangerous) because they have super cute clothing that are not too terribly expensive, but GREAT quality.  I would encourage you to invest in a couple pair of pants that will last.  When shopping, keep in mind what you have at home to pair with your purchases.  That way, you don't get home and realize you have nothing that goes with your new duds!

9.  Invest in a good spray tan.  For me, this is something I could never live without because I feel so BLAW when I don't have some color on me.  Not only does it give you a fresh look, but is completely %100 safe!  (and won't produce wrinkles later on...HOLLA!)

10.  Last but not least, JUST BE YOU!!!!!  No matter what you look like, what you weigh, what color of hair or eyes you have, where you live, what kind of car you drive....realize that YOU ARE FABULOUS!!!  God made you perfect!  Embrace your whole being and know that you are blessed!

Make sure to follow Kattie for more fashion tips and fitness fun!!